Make Your Month


getting a check up

With yesterday’s news of the courageous Angelina Jolie, I thought I’d step a little off topic today and talk about prevention. Perhaps I can slip it in here with my tagline ideas to live with…

I love this photo of my son at the dentist so I thought it perfect to use here for a post that’s a little serious and personal. But hey, this is a blog after all…. My attitude towards protecting my health has changed of late, perhaps it’s just because I’m edging closer to forty and I have kids. Suddenly I don’t feel so indestructible and the fear of something happening to me and not being here for these little people that need me so much, literally rips at all of my heart strings. It’s probably being way too paranoid but I wonder if you ever feel like that also?

You see, I have a long line of history of cancer on both sides of my family; let me be clear that it’s not a sentence at all but certainly something for me to be aware of. In the past I’ve tried to block the thoughts out of my mind in fear of attracting it, but they would always creep back. So instead of worrying about it all of the time, I decided to do the best I can, live (relatively) healthy and be vigilant and get regular check ups and then forget about it. Prevention and early detection is key.

So today, I’m putting it to you. If you don’t already do it, will you?  Set up some sort of schedule for yourself to get regular check ups, all the things most of us put off. Get your teeth checked, eyes checked, mammograms, pap smears, prostate checks, bloods checked and whatever else that you need checking – do it. You do it for your car. A nurse once told me to schedule all of these annual check ups around my birthday so that I never forget. I thought it was a pretty fine idea  – make a month of it and then enjoy the rest of the year.

My birthday is the beginning of next month so I started this week with a physical and blood tests along with a dental check up and a good clean with a hygienist. It actually feels good.

It’s a simple thing; something that we most ignore out of fear but these few uncomfortable appointments could mean everything. My month is now, when is yours?

I’ll be back on Friday with something a little lighter:)

Mel x

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  1. Catherine bedson

    We don’t have any history of breast cancer in our family but I have been having my regular check ups on my birthday for a while (since watching an Oprah show once and she said that’s when she does it). My birthday was last month, so off I went. It’s so easy to put off because you think Ohh no have to go through this again but as you said 5 minutes out of your year and it’s done. Thank you for bringing this up Mel as it will be a great reminder for alot of people who read this.

  2. Michelle

    I feel that way all the time. I can’t bear the thought of not being around for my kids. My Dad lost the battle to Cancer far too young and didn’t get to meet most of his grandchildren. Thanks for the reminder Mel, such great advice x

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