Life’s Soundtrack #2

Lifestyle, Culture

Life's soundtrack

We’re heading into a long weekend in Sydney so I’m off camping with some good friends today. Before I go, I thought that I’d share a little of my life’s soundtrack again with you today. I always enjoy discovering new music, so please leave your comments below of anything that you’re listening to right now. I hope that you enjoy mine…

The Lion’s Roar by First Aid Kit

A Swedish folk duo, these girls have the most incredible voices. It’s not new, I think this song has been around a couple of years but each time it plays in the background I get completely lost in it.

Hunter by Aldous Harding

Guillaume introduced her music to me while we were in Queenstown. She’s a New Zealander and has such a beautiful and haunting folk voice and style.

20 Years by The Civil Wars 

I’m a bit slow with this and only discovered this musical duo as they broke up this year. Kind of sad about that. The harmony of the two is absolutely impeccable in this song.

I’d love to know what you think? Quite calm today but I guess that’s the head space I’m in right now.

Mel xx

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  1. The Daydreamer

    Oh interesting selection, all new to me! I really enjoy finding out about new songs and talents via friends, bloggers (well, friends!) and just lately a made a few discoveries among which Riccardo del Fra: lean, sexy jazz… Enjoy the new week in music!

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