Well hello everyone! I hope that you had a lovely christmas and you’re already in motion for a great 2017. If you follow me on Instagram you would have seen that we spent the festive period in Toulouse, France. We had such a great time catching up with everyone and showing the kids where it all began for our little family all those years ago.
Before I left I saw that the latest theme for Urban Jungle Bloggers is Plants and Light. I knew I had to do something because, a) I haven’t participated since I bid farewell to my green friends in New Zealand and b) lamps and plants are some of my favourite things!
Knowing that yesterday was the only possible day to take some photos, I got to it, regardless of the dark, grey day outside. Luckily the lamps came in handy for this post. As I go along, I’ll name models as quite often I get inquiries about them. I’ll start with the vintage orange Colombo lamp by Joe Colombo. This one has never been re-licenced for production which I’ve never understood because it’s an absolute classic. You can still find them on auctions though.
I haven’t shared much of our home because it’s far from ready. Not one frame is on the wall, barely any decorative objects are out and we only just the other day installed a ceiling lamp in our dining. I feel like we’re close though. Frames are the easy things and the final touch and I’m eyeing off that box of decorations sitting in the hallway.
I truly can’t wait to share the apartment in full with you. It’s such a large space that we actually had to find a few extra pieces of furniture so that it didn’t look bare. The room you see here is part of a very large dining room. We didn’t want for the room to be all about table, so we added a little seating area. We were pretty excited about getting this Eames LCM chair (top image) for a steal by auction along with an airy three seater chair. Another super bargain was the B32 chair below for 100SEK (12 USD) in a second hand store. Oh I love Scandinavia and the enormous supply of good design! We are in the process of purchasing a floor lamp for that area so watch this space!
Now enough about furniture, what about plants! One of my first purchases was the huge Monstera Delicious in the blue planter above. I was so happy to find that one! In a big space I knew that I needed to get something impressive. Around the same time, I found this philodendron to sit in my hanging macrame planter. This planter holds a special meaning for me as it was part of a goodie bag gifted to me by Igor and Judith to say thank you for being part of the Urban Jungle Bloggers book. Yes, I’m so honoured that a few of my plant images are in the book! This gorgeous macrame hanging planter was made as a limited edition by Urbanara for the Urban Jungle Bloggers who participated. If you don’t know this store, you should check them out, they’ve got some really cool edits. The hanging planter is above an Artemide Eclisse, the perfect ambient lamp.
The large Chinese money plant above was a gift from some friends who stayed with us before Christmas. They obviously know the way to my heart! Did you know that this plant, the botanical name Pilea Peperomioides, is very slow to grow? This one is about five years old and is beside the Artemide Nesso Table lamp.
After borrowing a Flos T Tab for styling, I’ve been wanting one for my bedside lamp ever since. When Guillaume called me to tell me that it was half price in the sales over the weekend, I had didn’t hesitate in getting it. The Kentia Palm is very happy in our bedroom and requires little light. It’s far from a window and considering it’s winter here, it’s going really well. We bought it at Ikea. They have a great selection of plants at really reasonable prices.
I hope you enjoyed the little introduction to my new home and plants. More to come soon I promise !
Mel xx
Urban Jungle Bloggers is a monthly series hosted by 2 bloggers: Igor (Happy Interior Blog) and Judith (JOELIX.com). Every month they share ideas to create an urban jungle through styling ideas, DIYs and green tips & tricks. Join in! You can find additional inspiration on their website, Pinterest board and keep up-to-date via their Facebook page. Use #urbanjunglebloggers on twitter and instagram.
I’m loving your place! Sometimes it’s nice to pare down to bare minimalism and add slowly – no? I like to live in a space for awhile before I hang my frames and do a lot of accessorizing – let it speak to me… Your plants are such a warm addition, and I know with your design sense, it will come together beautifully.
I totally agree with the adding slowly. It also takes the pressure off;-) Thanks Cyndi, hope you’re having a fab week. x
Hi Mel
Happy new year! love seeing your new pad, the space and light look wonderful.
I have a weakness for lamps and plants, so a real treat to read over my cuppa this morning! Have a great day! :) xx
Thanks Lolly! I hope you had a lovely Christmas and NY period:) Thanks for your kind words x
Wow, Mel, your place looks gorgeous so far. Can’t wait to see more of it. I love your lamps and plants and I’m so sad that we can’t put any on the floor in Winter because we have floor heating, here. On the one hand it’s great since we don’t struggle with radiators everywhere but concerning decorating with plants it’s definitely a disadvantage.
But I love warm feet in Winter
Wishing you all the best for 2017. hope you’ll find some time to decorate your home some more, soon.
Hugs, Stephanie
Hi Steph. Wow I had no idea about underfloor heating not working with floor plants. It makes total sense though… Wishing you all the very best for 2017 too. Big hugs xx