Winner Interview, Interior Blog Awards

Business, Blogging World, Interior & Design, Voyeurist

Winner interview interior blog awards

I hope that you all had a fab weekend!  Since the official work year began for me, I’ve been working on a couple of exciting projects. I’ll reveal it all in due time, but it’s meant that I’ve had to work a little extra and on the weekend. I did manage to squeeze in some fun though (while my house falls apart around me and no washing done!), catching up with friends, having a lovely valentines brunch and a visit to one of the participating gardens in the Heroic Garden Festival. I’ve long admired this beautiful historic home in Grey Lynn but had no idea what an incredible garden it had behind the gates. It includes every flower, fruit and vegetable you could image, a huge chook enclosure and a natural pool where the owners swim amongst fish and water lilies. All of this, in the heart of inner city Grey Lynn! Remind me to put this fantastic event in my calendar for next year.

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