This month’s Urban Jungle Bloggers challenge is to show our green balcony or window sill. I chose the balcony knowing full well that this might be my last opportunity to show some outdoor for a few months as we’re heading into winter over here.
If you’ve been a reader of this blog since the early days, you may recall me talking about an armoire that we inherited along with a few other beautiful pieces from Guillaume’s grandparents in France. Inside it was lined with fabric that his Grandmother did about forty years prior and it was looking rather tired. When Guillaume’s mother told us that she was coming to visit for a couple of months the Christmas before last and asked for a project to work on, I knew exactly what she could do, reline the armoire.
This really is such a pleasure for me to bring yet another instalment of my On The wall series and today please welcome Elodie from the gorgeous flower and interior blog, Madame Love as my guest. Each time a fellow blogger or creative shares a little wall place in their home with us, it allows me and I hope you to discover them somewhat more. Elodie’s contribution here certainly does for me. When I see this collection, I’m not surprised as it is very much her beautiful aesthetic, yet I’m fascinated by what it is that she is sharing with us that’s on her wall and the stories behind, that have such meaning to who she is today…
We had a couple of celebrations for Guillaume’s birthday this weekend. He actually turned 40 a couple of weeks ago but he was working in Sydney at the time, so it really wasn’t until this weekend that we were able to celebrate it. On Saturday night, we hired a babysitter and I took him out to dinner at Depot, a very cool restaurant here in Auckland and last night we did the birthday cake. With kids you just can’t escape the birthday cake and candles, they’ve been hassling me for it all week – not that I’d want to miss it anyway, I’ll take any excuse for cake…
Dear readers, fellow bloggers, family and friends.
At the end of June this blog will be turning 2 so I thought this would be the right time to check in with you to see how I’m going and of any improvements that I could make as I move forward.