On The Wall: Tina Bernstein from Colour Living
Well after being missing in action after a fantastic break to Sydney and then returning home only to fall ill for a couple of days, I’m so happy to be back to the blog and with my On The Wall series. My special guest today is Tina who authors a design and lifestyle blog, Colourliving. What I really enjoy about Colourliving is how Tina packages London and beyond to us readers. She’s out and about a lot, most of the time zapping around London on her Vespa with camera on hand. So whether it’s the Paul Smith exhibition (she even got to meet him recently), a holiday to the Côte d’Azur, or an underground vintage store, Tina shares her finds. Her posts are always enjoyable and interesting to read and the moments captured beautifully. Behind the blog, Tina runs a successful business curating London homes and apartments for people to buy and rent with the idea that “quality of life starts with the home.” I couldn’t agree more with that and I’m so pleased to have Tina here today sharing what’s on her wall.
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