Gorman Collaboration with Ellie Malin


I did a little clothes shopping at Gorman yesterday and spotted a very cool collaboration that the fashion label has done with Melbourne print media artist, Ellie Malin.

You’re probably wondering why I’m writing about fashion right? No, I’m not stepping into another domain here on the blog, Gorman has actually included some homewares in this collaboration. The range consists of a pack of three tea towels, a cushion and an adorable quilt. While the tea towels would look great in the kitchen they needn’t be destined for a life of drying the dishes, can’t you just imagine them in some simple frames on the wall?

Read more on Gorman Collaboration with Ellie Malin…

Our Renovation, The Living Room


This is the second part to the renovating story of our Sydney apartment. You can catch the first part of our kitchen before and after here.

It’s amazing what ripping up the carpets, polishing the floorboards and painting the walls can do isn’t it?  I’m a huge fan of classic white walls; it brightens a room and is the perfect canvas to add colour and texture with art, decorative pieces and furnishings.

Read more on Our Renovation, The Living Room…

Moving on…


Image via etsy 

Hi everyone, I hope that you don’t mind, it’s a personal post today to share a little of my heartbreak with you. Yesterday I got the news that we need to move out of our house as it’s being sold. Yes, our little house, we haven’t been here long, but one that we’ve bonded so well with.

Read more on Moving on……

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