Blogging World
Blogger Event | Sister MAG Meets Schott Ceran
Last Friday I flew to Cologne to attend a blogger event hosted by SisterMAG and SCHOTT CERAN to celebrate their latest product glass ceramic range, MiradurTM. I heard recently from a reliable source that the team at SisterMag really know how to put on events and it’s always so great to spend some time with fellow bloggers in person, so I jumped at the chance.
Winner Interview, Interior Blog Awards
I hope that you all had a fab weekend! Since the official work year began for me, I’ve been working on a couple of exciting projects. I’ll reveal it all in due time, but it’s meant that I’ve had to work a little extra and on the weekend. I did manage to squeeze in some fun though (while my house falls apart around me and no washing done!), catching up with friends, having a lovely valentines brunch and a visit to one of the participating gardens in the Heroic Garden Festival. I’ve long admired this beautiful historic home in Grey Lynn but had no idea what an incredible garden it had behind the gates. It includes every flower, fruit and vegetable you could image, a huge chook enclosure and a natural pool where the owners swim amongst fish and water lilies. All of this, in the heart of inner city Grey Lynn! Remind me to put this fantastic event in my calendar for next year.
5 Blog Questions with Jaclyn Carlson
Do you remember my 5 Decorating & Food Questions series? Well due to popular demand, I’m bringing them back. This time I’ll be adding some other topics to the series, like 5 Blog Questions for one. Of course the person I wanted to lead this new line up is none other than Jaclyn Carlson, of Blog Society! You’ve no doubt heard me rave about this woman since hiring her as my coach during and after this blog’s rebranding. She is a wealth of knowledge in the industry and because of this, along with her open demeanour, she has created a huge community of bloggers that network and support one another. This woman rocks!
Styled Canvas wins Best International Interior Blog Award

On Wednesday evening London time, the AMARA Interior of the Year Awards was taking place in London. For me it was Thursday morning at school and kindergarten drop off time. I had my iPhone close at hand checking my Twitter feed because I was shortlisted as Best International Interior Blogger. I sat back in the car and checked. One by one the winners in different categories were tweeted. Then there they were, the words, “Winning Best International Interior Blog sponsored by Exsus Travel is, Styled Canvas”.
Read more on Styled Canvas wins Best International Interior Blog Award…
Self Doubt, Awards & The Reality of Blogging
It’s been a crazy month for me and if anyone of you suffers from self-doubt, this one is for you.
In the span of about a month, I found out that I have been a finalist in two blog awards. One was a local one here in NZ, run by the ANZ Bank to find the “Great Kiwi Inspirer”. It was a social media campaign and unfortunately I didn’t win (congratulations to Gem the winner and my fellow finalists Kelly and Amy), but I feel pretty humbled to have been in the top four. The other award, the AMARA Interior Blog Awards where I’m in the running as Best International Interior Blogger, will be announced next Wednesday evening London time.
Help Me Improve by Taking my Survey
Bringing quality content and topics that you love to read and that is of value to you is so important to me. I’m forever looking at ways to improve on what I do. With the rebranding done and dusted and now that Styled Canvas feels very much at home, it’s time for me to do a little annual health check to see how I’m really doing.
Best International Interiors Blog Nominee
Some of you may have seen a couple of weeks ago over on social media that Styled Canvas has been nominated as Best International Interior blog in the Amara Interior Blog Awards.
Styled Canvas Happenings
Friday is here, a long weekend in New Zealand and I feel like I can take a big deep breath. It’s been a crazy and fun couple of months for me since the relaunch. It’s been a big week and I’ve got lots of things coming up, so I thought I’d dedicate today’s post to what’s going on!