My Home & Life in Stockholm
Our Swedish Christmas in NZ House & Garden Magazine

The other day I was sitting in a café with a friend, Christmas music played quietly in the background and then almost as if on cue, it started to lightly snow outside. It’s little moments like those, that I stop and take a breath and feel so grateful for all of my experiences and the people I meet along the way. I’m trying to do more of that lately, especially when things can feel a little out of control at this time of year. We put so much pressure on ourselves don’t we!
Read more on Our Swedish Christmas in NZ House & Garden Magazine…
My Stockholm Bedroom Makeover
One place in our apartment that needed a serious update, was our bedroom, especially the bed linen. We were literally interchanging between a really old duvet set (all of the buttons had fallen off), and a newer one that just wasn’t such a great fit – hence barely showing my bedroom here and on Instagram. Recently I gave myself a little project give the bed and room a bit of a makeover.
11 Things I’ve Learnt in 12 Months Living in Stockholm
Last week saw the one year anniversary of us arriving in Stockholm. I can’t believe how quickly that time has gone by can you? It’s been a fantastic and very busy year for us settling in. While we’ve spent a lot of time exploring the city, we haven’t really explored the country itself. I guess this is because we’ve used up holidays going to France (twice), Morocco, Cyprus and Germany. This is in no way because we want to escape, it’s the sudden feeling of freedom of close proximity to all of these places after living in Australia and New Zealand for so long. While we will continue to hop on the plane and make the most of Europe and surrounds, this next year we will definitely be exploring this beautiful country.
Read more on 11 Things I’ve Learnt in 12 Months Living in Stockholm…
Påskris | The Swedish Easter Tree
I had no idea how many Swedish traditions there were until I arrived in Stockholm. There are so many in fact, that there is an entire 160-page book dedicated to them. We are having a lot of fun discovering them and deciding which ones we will take with us when we move back home.
Urban Jungle Bloggers | Plants & Light
Well hello everyone! I hope that you had a lovely christmas and you’re already in motion for a great 2017. If you follow me on Instagram you would have seen that we spent the festive period in Toulouse, France. We had such a great time catching up with everyone and showing the kids where it all began for our little family all those years ago.
Twelve things I’ve learnt in my first two months living in Stockholm
Can you believe it’s been a little over two months since I moved to Sweden? I love every minute being here and each weekend we explore a little more around our neighbourhood. We are constantly blown away by the beauty of this city that’s made up of islands, parkland and stunning ancient architecture. While these new experiences are fresh, I thought that it would be fun to share with you 12 things I’ve learnt in my first two months living in Stockholm:
Read more on Twelve things I’ve learnt in my first two months living in Stockholm…
Hej from Stockholm
Hi there. Wow it’s been quite a moment since I put the fingers to the keypad. I prepared all of my New Zealand Month posts well in advance before the voyage to Sweden and I have to say I’m really glad I did. The past couple of months I have been very preoccupied to say the least.