5 Food Questions with Kelly Gibney

Photograph by David Straight
Today, please welcome Kelly Gibney of the Kiwi food blog, Bonnie Delicious as my 5 Food Questions guest. I totally admire Kelly’s approach to food, she is a lover and advocate of whole food and shares delicious and (mostly) guilt free recipes that she’s created with her readers. While that’s her love and main aim, she is by no means rigid with her approach and her love of good food doesn’t stop her from exploring all of the tastes on offer from time to time. I think she’s hit a nice balance and secretly wish that I could do the same. Kelly has worked most of her adult life internationally in the food industry; she describes this as her “seedbed for her food passion”. Today, alongside looking after her young daughter and authoring the Bonnie Delicious blog, she organises feasts at The Golden Dawn, which is a bit of an institution here in Auckland and has recently opened a seasonal coffee shop repurposed from a shipping container. In the next couple of weeks Kelly, along with another foodie, Delaney Mes from Heartbreak Pie, will be cooking up something really special for Auckland’s very first Kinfolk Meal at the beautiful Indie Home Collective, which was sold out, mind you within hours of going live.
My Space | Judith de Graaff of Joelix
Judith is the author of Joelix, a lifestyle blog about design, travel and nature. While she was born in the Netherlands, she now resides just outside of Paris with her husband and three (very photogenic!) cats in a renovated industrial building from the 60’s called Studio Sapique.
On The Wall | Elodie of Madame Love Blog
This really is such a pleasure for me to bring yet another instalment of my On The wall series and today please welcome Elodie from the gorgeous flower and interior blog, Madame Love as my guest. Each time a fellow blogger or creative shares a little wall place in their home with us, it allows me and I hope you to discover them somewhat more. Elodie’s contribution here certainly does for me. When I see this collection, I’m not surprised as it is very much her beautiful aesthetic, yet I’m fascinated by what it is that she is sharing with us that’s on her wall and the stories behind, that have such meaning to who she is today…
My Space: Lena from Mina Moka
Meet Lena, the author of Mina Moka, a blog dedicated to the beauty behind design – and beauty she truly shares. Lena is based in the very cool city of Berlin but is an international girl at heart and has spent many years living and traveling abroad. Her blog reflects her discoveries in her hometown and around the world, from contemporary, elegant design to the local artisan. It’s a beautiful eclectic mix that is always true to the roots of design aesthetic and as you can see, she takes stunning photographs. Along with her gorgeous blog, by day Lena works as a freelance screen writer and script consultant! I’m so pleased to have this multi-talented girl sharing a special place in her home for the “My Space” series.
On The Wall: Tina Bernstein from Colour Living
Well after being missing in action after a fantastic break to Sydney and then returning home only to fall ill for a couple of days, I’m so happy to be back to the blog and with my On The Wall series. My special guest today is Tina who authors a design and lifestyle blog, Colourliving. What I really enjoy about Colourliving is how Tina packages London and beyond to us readers. She’s out and about a lot, most of the time zapping around London on her Vespa with camera on hand. So whether it’s the Paul Smith exhibition (she even got to meet him recently), a holiday to the Côte d’Azur, or an underground vintage store, Tina shares her finds. Her posts are always enjoyable and interesting to read and the moments captured beautifully. Behind the blog, Tina runs a successful business curating London homes and apartments for people to buy and rent with the idea that “quality of life starts with the home.” I couldn’t agree more with that and I’m so pleased to have Tina here today sharing what’s on her wall.
Read more on On The Wall: Tina Bernstein from Colour Living…
Wohnideen Review | Homes of European Bloggers
I recently received a lovely package from one of my blogging friend, Jeanette of ByFryd consisting of her stylish HYSJ tote and in the blogging world, the much anticipated home decoration book, Wohnideen, Aus Dem Wahren Leben. Doing an internet translation from German, the title reads something like this; “Ideas for a real life experience. Inspirations of the best design blogger”. The book, if you’re not familiar, is dedicated to decoration inspiration of stylish European bloggers, including Jeanette, with 220 pages of images taken in their homes, each of them with their own unique twist to home decoration and the book is divided into themes; living, dining, organisation etc – in total, an absolutely brilliant idea for a book ! To be truthful, not understanding the written word is not a deal breaker for me, browsing through the pages of Pinterest worthy images loaded with decoration ideas is worth it and one that will sit proudly with my collection. I’ve enjoyed it so much that I thought that you would too, so lets take a little peek into the book…
Pinterest Talk | Michelle Halford of The Design Chaser
A lot of you might already know The Design Chaser blog, impeccably curated by a dear blogging friend of mine, Michelle Halford. Michelle has a love affair with that oh ever so cool Scandi style and has a superb eye for researching the best of design inspiration on the net and sharing it with her viewers, with loads of decorating pointers thrown in. Michelle has also just recently moved into a newly built home with her husband and two young boys and her readers have enjoyed watching her decorate the home, room by room with that minimalist Scandi style. But did you know that behind the blog is an avid pinner with quite a large following? Over 63,000 in fact! It’s without doubt that Michelle knows what people like, and I don’t know about you, but I love the idea of receiving a few Pinterest pointers from the girl herself. She has kindly answered my questions about pinning and thrown in some great tips for us.
Read more on Pinterest Talk | Michelle Halford of The Design Chaser…
5 Food Questions with Sarah Tuck
Let me introduce you to Sarah; a Kiwi who writes a brilliant food blog, From The Kitchen. It’s a fairly recent discovery that I was so happy when I did. You know the ones, every image pin worthy, and loads of delicious and mostly uncomplicated looking recipes. Sarah’s day job is that of a recipe developer, food stylist and photographer so you can imagine what her readers are in for. Coupled with that is a friendly writing voice that you can’t help smile while reading – you’ll get an idea about what I mean with her answers below. Really, if you haven’t yet met the blog, “In The Kitchen”, make sure you pop over to say hi, you won’t be disappointed! It’s without saying that I’m so pleased to have Sarah here today to answer my 5 Food Questions!