The Power of Planning
My life looks like this. Sometimes I’m so completely organised and I work productively, and other times I feel like I’m working blindfolded and waste a lot of time. It’s silly really, because I know exactly the secret to working efficiently and it’s not at all difficult to do. It just requires two things; time and the power of planning.
5 Blog Questions with Jaclyn Carlson
Do you remember my 5 Decorating & Food Questions series? Well due to popular demand, I’m bringing them back. This time I’ll be adding some other topics to the series, like 5 Blog Questions for one. Of course the person I wanted to lead this new line up is none other than Jaclyn Carlson, of Blog Society! You’ve no doubt heard me rave about this woman since hiring her as my coach during and after this blog’s rebranding. She is a wealth of knowledge in the industry and because of this, along with her open demeanour, she has created a huge community of bloggers that network and support one another. This woman rocks!
Styled Canvas wins Best International Interior Blog Award

On Wednesday evening London time, the AMARA Interior of the Year Awards was taking place in London. For me it was Thursday morning at school and kindergarten drop off time. I had my iPhone close at hand checking my Twitter feed because I was shortlisted as Best International Interior Blogger. I sat back in the car and checked. One by one the winners in different categories were tweeted. Then there they were, the words, “Winning Best International Interior Blog sponsored by Exsus Travel is, Styled Canvas”.
Read more on Styled Canvas wins Best International Interior Blog Award…
5 Tips to stop Procrastination (when you work from home)
I have a load of different things going on at the moment. From being a mum, blog posts, freelance work, the restyle and name change of the blog, and then there’s Christmas and all of the end of year celebrations that are quickly filling my calendar. Juggling these in an unstructured environment, like working from home can be a bit of a trap for inefficiency. So what do I often find myself doing when it all feels too much? I procrastinate. Yep, that’s right, and I bet a lot you do too.
Read more on 5 Tips to stop Procrastination (when you work from home)…
Big Changes Coming
Hello everyone. I just wanted to pop in very late in the day for me to say hi and to share some news with you.
It’s always good to grow and change, and one thing that has been on my mind for the past months is how I can better this blog. I really love being here and I have so many exciting ideas in the works but there has always been this one niggling thing that I knew had to happen first – a name change. Yes I know, it’s a big change and really, it’s something that I’ve wondered whether I could avoid or not but I always return back to the decision that yes, it must change. I feel that the current one is holding me back.
A Food Stylist’s Life with Denise Vivaldo
Painting a tomato with red lipstick and filling the white of a fried egg with denture paste are just some of the tricks that I learnt a couple of weeks ago as a guest at Denise Vivaldo’s, Introduction to Professional Food Styling here in Auckland.
Blogging Basics Class at General Knowledge
I’m really pleased to announce that I’ve been asked to teach a class on blogging for the General Knowledge series at General Trading Co.
I thought long and hard about what angle to teach and remembered when I first started blogging and how overwhelmed I felt with everything that I should or shouldn’t be doing along what tools were available to use.