Our Swedish Christmas in NZ House & Garden Magazine

The other day I was sitting in a café with a friend, Christmas music played quietly in the background and then almost as if on cue, it started to lightly snow outside. It’s little moments like those, that I stop and take a breath and feel so grateful for all of my experiences and the people I meet along the way. I’m trying to do more of that lately, especially when things can feel a little out of control at this time of year. We put so much pressure on ourselves don’t we!
Read more on Our Swedish Christmas in NZ House & Garden Magazine…
Christmas Wishes from Stockholm
Hello everyone. Just two and a half days until the big day and I had to pop in here to wish you all a Happy Christmas. The season is just so beautiful here in Stockholm, I have never quite felt Christmas in all of its glory like it is done here. You can’t help but get drawn in to all of the celebrations and rich traditions. Would you like for me to give you a little rundown of what goes on?
My Christmas Menu
I’m a little more organised this year compared to last, and spent Wednesday scouring the Internet to put together my Christmas menu. Wow, a whole two weeks before! This is something that I usually put off until the very last minute as I see to all of the other urgent things like – presents! I also don’t have the pressure to be super prepared because it’s usually just us on the day. I still like to do something special though, and the kids adore the pretty table and whole experience.
Wallace Rd Corner Stores Gift Guide
It’s so important to support our local stores at Christmas time. What would the world be like if it was all about huge shopping malls full of chain stores and Internet shopping? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t reject that type of shopping, but there’s something special about your local bricks and mortar, not to mention the importance of a community for your wellbeing.
A Family Christmas Tradition
Last year we started something that we decided to embrace as a family Christmas tradition and I thought that perhaps some of you might be inspired to do something similar.
Jo Malone Happy Kissmas
If Don Draper were to attend a Christmas party today, it certainly would be one thrown by Jo Malone London. Last week I attended Happy Kissmas, the viewing of their Christmas collection, and the campaign is all about celebrating with a party. When I saw it I thought, “I want to go to that party!” Imagine…
Merry Christmas & see you soon
Before most of you will be thrown into the final preparations of Christmas, I wanted to take this moment to wish you all a wonderful day. I hope that each of you take some time to unwind, read a good book and enjoy fun times with friends and family. There really is no better time to celebrate life than the week of Christmas to New Years. I love listening to everyone’s reflections of the past year and their hopes and dreams for the next, it really is quite magical.
6 bloggers, 3 Christmas Wishes Part 2
Lena from Minamoka
Personal gift: My personal wish would be a class I can take. Some me-time. I have two kids and work almost full time. If I have some free time I like to read the newspaper or write a blogpost. But I’d like to be forced to get outside, be challenged, get my hands dirty, do something that doesn’t have to do with my work (the film and publishing world) or my family. I’d love to take ceramics classes, for example – but to make it easier to put a link here, I’ll suggest a photography class that includes exploring the city.