Wallace Rd Corner Stores Gift Guide
It’s so important to support our local stores at Christmas time. What would the world be like if it was all about huge shopping malls full of chain stores and Internet shopping? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t reject that type of shopping, but there’s something special about your local bricks and mortar, not to mention the importance of a community for your wellbeing.
Styled Canvas Favourites | The Father Rabbit Box
There are so many gorgeous products out there that happen to catch my attention and that I’d love to share with you. To be honest, I’ve been thinking about how to best package this as a series on the blog. In the end I thought, why not keep it to the point and call it simply, “Styled Canvas Favourites”. Here I’ll share new and noted product from around the globe that’s high on my wish list and I’m pretty sure will be on yours too.
Read more on Styled Canvas Favourites | The Father Rabbit Box…
Totokaelo Online Store
Totokaelo is an online store with a flawlessly curated collection of art and object for the home. I seriously had to contain myself with the amount of images to show here today because it’s one of those rare stores where I would happily purchase pretty much anything – if finances (and space) allowed that is.
Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas
Lets talk about love. Yes it’s that time of year where things get a little cliché and quite frankly you either love it or you hate it. I’m personally not a huge fan of Valentine’s Day, but I do see its merits. I figure, unless you’re in the first eighteen months of a relationship when you’re all starry eyed, sometimes you need a little nudge to dedicate a time to say, you’re kind of cool and I appreciate you. My parents gave me that idea. Years ago when we spoke about how they go away for a couple of days each year to celebrate their wedding anniversary, I kind of snuffed that idea. Why don’t they just do that kind of thing throughout the year spontaneously? They pulled me up on it. My step mother told me that if you don’t dedicate a day to celebrate your coming together as a couple, then every day is just going to merge into another, especially as the years go on and you’re not so “starry eyed”.
6 bloggers, 3 Christmas Wishes Part 2
Lena from Minamoka
Personal gift: My personal wish would be a class I can take. Some me-time. I have two kids and work almost full time. If I have some free time I like to read the newspaper or write a blogpost. But I’d like to be forced to get outside, be challenged, get my hands dirty, do something that doesn’t have to do with my work (the film and publishing world) or my family. I’d love to take ceramics classes, for example – but to make it easier to put a link here, I’ll suggest a photography class that includes exploring the city.
7 bloggers, 3 Christmas wishes Part 1
A person’s gift wish list says a lot about them, their personal taste and of course, where they are in their lives at that particular moment. I thought as we come to the close of the year and for the fun, I’d ask some of my talented blogging friends who have previously been my On The Wall or My Space guest, what they would like if they had three wishes this Christmas. One needed to be personal, one for the home and one that was beyond themselves. I wish I had a magic wand to grant all of these wishes, particularly number three, which you can feel that they are so passionate about. Perhaps you can send them each a bit of Christmas cheer of your own and pop over to each of their equally amazing blogs that they worked so hard on during this year and say hi.
Handmade gift ideas by budget & free international shipping

Some great news for those of us that still need to get some Christmas shopping done. just announced that from now under December 2, they are offering free worldwide shipping. This is a great time to make some savings while supporting small business and beautiful handmade product that always makes a special gift.
Read more on Handmade gift ideas by budget & free international shipping…
5 Christmas Gifts for the Homebody
Okay, I’m officially excited – tomorrow marks five weeks until Christmas! For a little fun, and because I have so many gorgeous things on my personal wish list this year, I thought I’d share some of them and put together a little gift guide for the homebody.