“strawberry fields forever” 2007
Admiring artwork on a wall is as soothing to my soul as a beautiful view. I purchased my first piece of original art with my very first pay cheque and that little abstract painting still gives me great pleasure today.
I discovered Misato Suzuki’s art on Pinterest recently and on searching for more, I was so captivated by her style that I thought I’d finish the week with images of some of her work. I love the touch of femininity she gives to her paintings and drawings. I can’t quite pick a favourite but perhaps I’m edging towards the pigeon theme. Do you have a preference?
The very talented Misato is from Japan and currently resides in Los Angeles. You can view more of her artwork here.
In the meantime, here is a lovely selection.
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Mel x

“tapas” 2005

“cinpila” 2005

“hana” 2006

“desert trip” 2007

“Daydreaming Hammocks” 2010
Breathtaking art. So alive with energy!
Thanks Marjory!
Great artwork Mel. Love the first painting of pigeons. That colour palette of pastel pinks and yellows is simply beautiful. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead. x
Have a lovely week too Geraldine!
Just sawyour post on FB – LOVE this artwork! Just wonderful!
Oh thanks Anette! Glad you like it as much as I do:) Mel