Glamorising Cigarettes

Lifestyle, Thoughts

glamorising cigarettes 1

This is probably one of my favourite photos of me. It takes me back to my days in France, I’d spend my free time in cafes smoking cigarettes, reading books or catching up with friends, smoking cigarettes, solving the problems of the world and smoking cigarettes. I had a great time. But what exactly is it that I like about this photo so much? Is it the memories attached? I actually never gave it much thought before. Now that I ask myself the question, I think that it’s a little bit rebellious, but mostly I think that having that cigarette in my hand, in a black and white photo looks kind of glamorous and that’s what worries me.

I’ve had this realisation that smoking is once again coming back in fashion and I have to say that I’m a little surprised. Have you noticed it? It’s everywhere on Pinterest, I look through the biggest fashion magazines and some of the most gorgeous shoots are those that have models with a cigarette in their hand or mouth. When I look this, I wonder what that image will do to a fifteen-year-old girl and her judgement? I watch television and there’s Frank and Claire Underwood smoking at their window beside an elegant cigarette box.

This isn’t a rant about smokers. I honestly don’t mind people smoking, in fact just ask my smoker friends and they’ll tell you that I’m the one to quite often sit next to them so that I can get a few nostalgic whiffs every now and then, I actually like the smell. I’m sure glad that I gave up though and what I don’t want is for my kids to smoke, or any younger generation for that matter, for the obvious reasons. What’s crazy is that we were almost there; it was so rare to see a smoker. On this side of the world anyway, so whatever they were doing worked.

You couldn’t smoke in restaurants and then in bars. I remember when those rules came into place, I was absolutely livid, but overtime it became normal and it was more of a hassle to smoke then not, couple that with the cost of a packet, and known potential health hazards, it just didn’t make sense to do it anymore. This is not a deterrent anymore because the twenty somethings don’t know it to be any different. So what would be the deterrent, other than the cost, especially if it’s depicted so well?

Like I said, this has absolutely nothing to do with smokers, it’s about the media glamorising it and making it so very appealing again to a new generation. I think it’s irresponsible. So perhaps I could open up a discussion here. What are your thoughts? Are you noticing it more in the media? Should they play a responsibility in this or is it freedom of artistic expression?

Mel x

glamorising cigarettes

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  1. Cyndi

    Since I live in a college town – I see a lot of teens, 20 somethings smoking. It seemed like it was on the downturn at the high school too, then it began to become popular again. So sad. My youngest, who railed on her dad for smoking took it up when she was in her early 20s and is struggling to quit now. I think you’re right, it is being glamorized in the media and the young are taking note….
    What a great picture of you though – very Audrey Hepburnesque…

    1. Mel

      It is a real shame and interesting that you’re seeing it in the States too. I hope your daughter can quit soon, it’s a tough one but if she finds a good enough reason, she will. x

  2. Genie

    I’ve never been a smoker except for some experimenting when I was about 15. I never really saw the point. Smoking is so expensive now, I guess it could be seen as a rebellious luxury. We were almost there. I hope smoking doesn’t become cool again.

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