Feeling Good Again

Lifestyle, Wellness

Living room of Mel Chesneau of Armoire Pegs & Casserole

I thought I’d do a very personal post today. In case  you’re wondering, t actually has nothing to do with my home, I just thought I’d include some unpublished photos that I took for my Design*Sponge home tour.  What I’d like to share is  something that’s at the forefront of my mind at the moment; weight loss, exercise and feeling good about myself. I hesitated in writing this, but I thought some of you might actually relate to it.

I’m not overweight, I’m in the healthy range but I’m bigger than I’ve ever been before and it bothers me. I’ve got a lot of extra kilos on me since having my third child. Actually, when I look back at photos of me after having Lou, I was a lot thinner than I am today, so some of this is weight that I’ve put on since. If I’m realistic, there’s no secret here how this happened – food choice, portion size, and what I believe to be the number one culprit, being stationary. Yes writing a blog isn’t the most active jobs to do, just ask my fitbit.

Perhaps age has something to do with it to, but if I’m truly honest with myself, it’s only a small proportion of the problem. I know what I once did and I know what I’ve been doing the past three years. Believe me, I’ve come up with every excuse under the sun as to why, but it really is very simple, no use in trying to over analyse it.

After my first two children, I lost the pregnancy weight very quickly and without trying. When I look at my life then, it’s pretty obvious why; I walked everywhere. I lived near the supermarkets, so I would walk there, I would walk to friend’s houses, to playgroup, to restaurants, to the beach and parks. I lived up two flights of stairs in an apartment. Every little bit of this movement, be it in small or large spurts of energy counted.

It’s not about being skinny; it’s about feeling good in myself again and being strong and healthy in my body, not to mention the example that I want to set for my children. And another thing, I would really not like to not squirm when I see a photo of myself – oh yes, photographs are always the revealing moment aren’t they.

I’ve already started and feel so much better already. I’m exercising six days per week, I’m working on achieving a minimum of 10,000 steps a day and I watch what I eat, the old fashioned way by consuming less calories than I burn.

I’ll let you know how I go along the way. My goal is to lose 7kg in three months, which I think, is very achievable and for someone who is 162cm tall, it’s a lot of extra weight to carry around.

So why tell you all of this? Not only might some of you relate but I’m kind of sealing the deal with myself, which is usually half the battle.

Have you been where I am? How did you succeed? Perhaps you’re working on this now? I’d love to hear any stories or what you do to keep fit and healthy.

Mel xx

living room of Mel Chesneau | Armoire, Pegs & Casserole

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  1. Pingback: Instamoments #7 & Feeling Good Update | Armoire, Pegs and Casserole

  2. Doris

    Hi Mel, your post was so open and honest. Thank you for that. Up until I was pregnant I had no issues with my weight, I could eat whatever I wanted and not put it on. After my pregnancy, i found that none of my clothes fit anymore and I really felt awful, it wasn’t until I put my son into nursery that I started to take better care of myself and exercising. I think that with kids, you can spend all of your time worrying and thinking about everyone else and forget about yourself. I’m glad that you are taking the time to look after yourself Mel. It’s something that I have learned is very important. xD

    1. mel

      Hi Doris. It’s interesting that while I’ve been taking care of myself, the kids have responded so well with encouragement. They are genuinely happy that I’m doing this. Feeling good about ourselves in the end make us better and happier mothers. Thanks for your encouragement Doris, it means a lot. Big hugs to you, Mel x

  3. Jocelyn hefner

    Dear Mel,

    Your openness and willgness to share so honestly is incredibly helpful. I would like to say thank you for being so humble and using your current challenge to encourage others (myself) to look at how they (I) view food and nutrition. Before I began implementing mindfulness into my life I ate whatever I wanted to and didn’t “think beyond the food”. It never occurred to me to ask myself if eating a brownie was necessary or not. Today, I see food as a natural gift and I take it sincerely instead of just something I have to do in order to stay awake or energized. For me, I always ask myself “will eating this move me forward?” And yes, sometimes a brownie is just what I need because in that brownie is whole lotta love.

    Thank you again for sharing…


    1. mel

      Oh I love that ending Jocelyn, “sometimes a brownie is just what I need because in that brownie is whole lotta love.” That is gold! Being mindful is the key, that and not ever feeling like I’m denied something… it’s all about balance isn’t it? Big hugs and thank you again for your lovely comment xx M

  4. Yvonne

    Oh, I know what you mean. I haven’t had any children but I am over forty and that does unfortunately make a difference.
    No snack/food after eight in the evenings helps, I know I’ve been bad in that departement lately so that has to change.
    And yes, more excersise. Working behind a computer screen is just terrible.
    We take a walk after lunch every day. Wether busy or not.
    Quitting yoga was not a good decision, and I really want to incorporate it into a daily routine. Why is that so hard? People do yoga at home, right?
    I really hope you achieve what you set out to. And if it’s not exactly 7kg in 3 months, just give yourself more time. It’s about being and staying healty long-term.

    1. mel

      Thanks so much Yvonne. Age definitely plays a part but I also wonder if we become more stagnate as we get older? Yes, working on a computer from home doesn’t help – we don’t even get the walk to work/transport. Incorporating a walk at lunch is such a great idea not only for your body but your mind and creativity I bet. Big hugs, Mel xx

  5. gudy herder

    Hi Mel, I am actually have during one periods of my love a similar struggle but all the way around. During my non-stop travel periods I loose far too much weight. I am eating as usual bit just getting me on a plane makes my burn like thousands of calories. I look too skinny, old and tired. Resting is just what I need and I naturally gain my weight back then. So, it’s funny to see how how you struggle with a bit too much and others need to put weight on which is not easy either I can tell because it’s not about eating chocolate, cookies and cake. At the end, and this is my conclusion, it’s all about feeling good. If you feel good, your body responds to it. Don’t be too hard with you either, Mel, if there is a day you break your fitness routine, it is ok. You’ll get back the other day1 Big hug!

    1. mel

      Hi Gudy! Oh we forget that it happens the other way around – all the while we feel envious of people who lose weight so easily. Balance, rest and feeling good with who you are and treating the body and mind with respect.. Thanks so much for your beautiful words again and big hugs back at you. Mel xx

  6. Amy

    Oh Mel, I totally hear you. It’s bloody hard work! Much easier to sit watching the Great British Bake Off eating chocolate flap jack with a glass of red on the go [which I definitely still do]…but I got past 30, had Noah, and realised my kind genetics would only keep me going for so long. So here are a few of my tricks. I try to make it habit. Just like brushing my teeth, and not hard work i.e. a half hour drive to a gym or step class, I do exercise that is easy, low cost and accessible and doesn’t eat into a 2 hour chunk of my day. The earlier I can get it out of the way the better then I don’t have to think about it the rest of the day. I try not to deprive myself of anything this only causes those tormenting dialogues in my head – but eat those treats very consciously rather than grabbing on the go. You’re absolutely right that it is all about feeling your best and having the energy and vitality to keep up with the kids [and eventually the grandkids]. Healthy living is really about investing in your future, just like putting money away in the bank, it will pay off in the long term. Noah is my motivation. As an only child I don’t want him to be caring for us in our dotage so the longer I can keep healthy and active, the better for all of us! Good luck it will be well worth the effort, and there are lots of taking the same journey with you xx

    1. mel

      Some really great advice there Amy! I especially like the bit about getting it out of the way early (without a doubt this is key) and eating treats consciously. Thanks so much for your kind words as always. Mel x

  7. Kylie

    Mel….thanks for sharing that post. Im actually in the very same spot having put on excess weight since my last baby and struggling with losing it. Days are consumed tending to their needs and ‘my’ time is limited. I have recently started making time each day to go for a half hour walk. And like you, my diet is actually all about smaller portion size and ensuring that when hungary I lean towards a healthier option rather then a easy quick fix biscuit or three! Good luck with your weightloss journey- I think 7 kg s in 3 months is acheivable. I dont feel Im losing as much as I used too…perhaps age but also I think my ‘fat’ distribution is in different places post baby (terrible muffin top!!!). I agree its all about feeling better within yourself, and having that extra energy to keep up with the kids…and being content with the photos too xxx

    1. mel

      Hi Kylie. Going for a walk every day is such a great thing to do and it’s incredible by just doing so many steps how much you burn. I’d love to know how you’re going with this. Thanks so much for your encouragement. Mel xx

  8. Anastasia

    Oh I hear you and I can relate too as ive also put on weight lately. For me its also about eating well and having energy to keep up with the day and lifes requirements… I also think its concerning that its always on my mind…should I really be worrying? Looking back at photos from my prekid days I like what I see but im also sure at the time I was also concerned about my weight. Will we ever really be truly satisfied? Good luck with your weight loss eating well and moving more is the way to go!!

    1. mel

      I think we can be satisfied, especially now that we are a little wiser. Just being aware of what (and how much) I put into my body and moving each day for 6 weeks has made such a difference and believe me I haven’t starved or felt like I’m going without. Someone made a point on FB though that we shouldn’t try to be the 21 yr old self we were. So true! Big hugs to you and thanks for your encouragement. Mel x

  9. Will @ Bright,bAZAAR

    Oh my goodness, Mel! I am so pleased I clicked through to read this post because I am, literally, right this moment writing a post about almost the exact same thing. I have been trying really hard this year to treat my body with more respect and be more aware of what I am putting in my body and how active I am being. It’s not always been plain sailing but I am trying my best to be a better me. A new gym routine is certainly helping. Keep at it – I’m sending you positive vibes from London! I’d love to hear your thoughts on my post tomorrow! Will x

    1. mel

      Will seeing how great you look has been an inspiration for me. There’s so much good that comes from taking care of yourself and I believe that it’s a domino effect – in a good way. Big hugs and thanks for your encouragement. Mel x

  10. Morag

    All the best with this journey Mel. I believe that looking good comes from within – it shines through your eyes, your smile, your posture, and your personality… If losing weight helps you shine brighter then go for it!
    But also be aware that you are a role model for your kids… They will hear the word “diet” if you use it…. they will notice if the balance tips towards excessiveness…. they will love you unconditionally and be curious why you don’t love yourself as much as they do…
    Love yourself by being healthy and strong, but still eat chocolate along the way. xx

    1. mel

      Hi Morag, You are so right with this, beauty does come from within and the confidence in the person. I’ve been so aware to not mention the word diet (which I’m not because I still indulge a little but within reason) around the kids. I think having them see me exercise has been the most positive experience for them. Thanks for your lovely words. Mel xx

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