Sip NZ Wine Interview

Lifestyle, Culture

sip wine interview

Recently I was interviewed by a great new lifestyle blog called, Sip NZ Wine. The site is about what NZ does really well – wine, and is run by some women that know a thing or two about it. Caro, the creator who has six years in the industry, had the great idea to create a wine site so that you can meet the makers who passionately craft the wine for us to enjoy and related stories.

Read more on Sip NZ Wine Interview…

Garden Objects Online Store

Interior & Design, Voyeurist

garden objects

The other week I had the pleasure of visiting the home and workspace of Lisa and Jared, of the gorgeous and recently opened online store, Garden Objects.

Like all good visits, it started with a friendly cuppa and a good old chat. The two had just recently arrived in Auckland. Jared, a Kiwi has been living in London for the past twelve years. After he and Lisa visited a couple of years ago, they flirted with the idea of moving to Jared’s homeland to settle. It became a reality when they had the brilliant idea of opening a concept store dedicated to all things garden. They packed up most of their belongings, including their (adorable) British cat Bertie, and started a new life here.

Read more on Garden Objects Online Store…

#styledcanvaschallenge | Vintage Today

Interior & Design, Styled Space

#styledcanvaschallenge | Vintage today

Are you ready? This month’s Styled Canvas Challenge is, “vintage today”. How do you see the use of vintage in the modern world?

**Extended to the month of August due to moving house**

Before I begin, I have to say that I had some really lovely entries for last month’s “breakfast in bed” theme on various blogs and around Instagram. As the theme officially closed yesterday, I’ll take the next week to go over them and feature my favourite in both categories here on the 15th of this month. Thank you to everyone that took part, it’s going to be tough to choose!

Read more on #styledcanvaschallenge | Vintage Today…

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Mel Chesneau