Maricor Maricar | Wall Hangings & Embroidery

Interior & Design, Makers, Uncategorized

Maricor Maricar_Maps_6

I first discovered MaricorMaricar on a visit home to Sydney last year. At the time the twin sisters, aka Maricor and Maricar Manalo were exhibiting some of their embroidered and geometric patchwork textiles at Koskela entitled, “Maps”. The exhibition was inspired by photos and drawings of their time living in London after winning a grant by the British Council.

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Dialog Collaboration by Backhouse

Interior & Design, Let's Shop

Dialog Collaboration

We love a good collaboration. It’s the word of the moment and for good reason. Two creative heads are better than one, but it’s actually seven are better on this occasion. A couple of years ago, Backhouse Interiors and Designworks had a conversation with five prominent New Zealand lighting and furniture designers, which resulted in the launch of “Dialog” last Friday.

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Le Petit Chef by Opinel

Food & Travel, Make, Eat, Drink

Opinel le petit chef

It’s no secret the benefits of kids getting involved in the cooking from a young age. While at times I have to admit I try to steer them out of the kitchen when I need to whip something up quickly, most of the time I embrace it and they adore it. Two things I make sure they stay clear of though, are boiling liquids and chopping things that requires a sharp knife. Opinel has changed the latter and have released a knife range for little hands called Le Petit Chef.

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Orange Pippin Apple Tart

Food & Travel, Make, Eat, Drink

Orange Pippin Apple Tart

The Sunday before last I was strolling through the La Cigale French Markets in Parnell and saw a bucket of orange pippin apples. I’ve never been so excited about seeing a particular variety of apples before. What made these apples so special to me was a tear sheet out of Vogue Entertaining & Travel of an Orange Pippen Apple tart recipe that I’ve been hording for years. Fifteen to be precise! While the recipe calls for orange pippin apples, I’ve never had any luck finding them and I’ve only ever made it with pink lady apples before.

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Mel Chesneau