Five Every Day Apps

Lifestyle, Culture

Oh the beloved smart phone! Love them or hate them, they do have some fantastic features that can’t be denied and I’d find  it difficult to go back to the old style mobile phones now. I was chatting with a friend the other day about our favourite apps and I really enjoyed knowing her recommendations, so I thought it might be fun to share with you what I use on a day to day basis.  I’d also really love know if you have any apps that you sware by, other than the obvious social networking apps. I’m on the hunt for a good time management / to do list app for instance, so if any of you know any good ones – please share, along with anything else you use and love.

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Serpent Sea Marine Rope Mats

Interior & Design, Let's Shop

There’s something so noble about boating marine rope.  It’s strong, tactile and has lived many adventures. But at the end of its boating life, what becomes of it? An ingenious Austrian girl living in New York, Sophie Aschauer, is giving them the dignified retirement that they deserve, weaving them into colourful mats and I have to say, when I first saw them, my heart skipped a few beats, they are divine!

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A Corner Of My Home

Interior & Design, Styled Space

Back to decorating our home! After the initial burst of energy to get the place sorted, we were still left with a couple of boxes and a bunch of decorative pieces to find a home. Not only were we exhausted by the move, but as it does, life took over and between our trip to Sydney and two birthdays we hadn’t had a chance to do a thing until yesterday. Although we’re not quite there, we got a reasonable amount done including a little rearranging of our vintage marble bistro table in the corner of our bedroom.

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Chocolate & Raspberry Dessert Cake

Food & Travel, Make, Eat, Drink

Raspberry and Chocolate dessert cake

It was my eldest son’s sixth birthday yesterday and the lucky boy would have enjoyed three birthday cakes this year: One to share with his class, one with the family and another tomorrow for his party! While the school and party cakes are of the sweeter, colourful childlike style, last night I thought we’d enjoy something a little finer, to develop those little taste buds – a chocolate and raspberry dessert cake.

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Mel Chesneau