We’re moving!


moving house

I can happily say that a huge wave relief has swept through our household because we’ve finally found a lovely new home!

In the end our current place was sold on Friday and the new owner actually offered for us to live in it for a year before they moved. We were about to sign and then on that very same day, we found and were offered another house that ticked so many boxes. It’s weird how these things happen, six weeks of nothing and at the last moment we have choices.

Read more on We’re moving!…

Blogosphere Love – Picks for April


Goodbye April, hello May!

Wow, that flew by quickly. April was a big month for me with the good and… not so good. We were told that our lovely villa that we rent is for sale so we will most probably have to move on. I’m still kind of heartbroken about this, I love this house and the street. We were really hoping that we could stay here until we leave NZ… Being expats means that renting is really our only option and I have to say, I’m a bit disheartened by the lack of decent properties around at the moment. Fingers crossed still.

Read more on Blogosphere Love – Picks for April…

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Mel Chesneau