My Home | Kitchen
Welcome into our kitchen! You may have seen snippets of this room in a previous Urban Jungle Blogger post, however today I’m taking you on a tour from every angle.
The owners were quite clever modernising this kitchen without doing a full blown renovation. They left much of the original cabinetry in, threw in a lovely big double doored fridge and freezer along with a Smeg 50’s style dishwasher – you know, the one that everyone pines over on Pinterest. They replaced the old tap with a modern pull-out on the original sink and added some industrial style stainless steel cabinetry further up. Overall, it looks cute and wouldn’t have broken their bank account.
A Kitchen Renovation Story
Most of us enjoy a good kitchen before and after. It’s a way to get an idea of what we might be up against for the day we undertake the task, and also to gain a little inspiration. My lovely friend in the UK, Amy, has kindly shared some photos and her kitchen renovation story with us. After reading about it, I realized that we each made similar costly mistakes, so if you’re thinking of upgrading your kitchen soon, read on. If you’ve already, well then you might be like me and feel a little kinship with Amy and her experiences and of course have a good nosy at the stylish end result.
NZ House & Garden Interior of the Year Awards

Photo by Jane Ussher and courtesy of NZ House & Garden magazine
Last Thursday I attended the NZ House & Garden Interior of the Year Awards, a prestigious interior award here in New Zealand that judges in single room categories. Entries are open to the interior designers and the public and a great opportunity for those that might not have tackled every room in their home, but have one that they’re particularly proud of. This year there were almost four hundred entries, so making it to the final twenty is a big deal! Today I’m sharing a small taste of some of these from the November issue of NZ House & Garden.
Our Kitchen
Part of the brief for the Design*Sponge shoot, was that I was to supply a maximum of twenty photos. As you can imagine, I have quite a few unused photos hanging around, so I thought I might share some of the unseen kitchen shots with you today.
My Space – Catherine of Farmhouse Home
I discovered the food blog, Farmhouse Home not long after starting this blog last year. Catherine, the author, shares with her readers the most mouth-watering dishes and most of them are surprisingly no fuss and simple to make. This woman is a real foodie, she lives and breaths it. Recently, and to the encouragement of her daughter, Catherine has been exploring and experimenting at times with healthier alternatives to dishes, without leaving out the flavour – think cauliflower pizza base for one! What ever she prepares, it’s warm, from the heart and styled and photographed beautifully. Farmhouse Home is such a lovely food blog with a real personal touch and I’m so pleased to have Catherine sharing a little piece of her home with us today.
The Art Of The Leisurely Breakfast
1. At the first sound of children stirring, lovingly nudge partner and remind him that it’s your turn to lie in
2. Quickly reach for the earplugs and pull covers over head
Open Kitchen Shelving
When we rented our villa in Auckland, one of the things that I fell in love with immediately in the house was the open shelving in the kitchen. I’ve always been a fan of open shelves, I think it gives a kitchen, a room that can quite often look sterile, a bit of life.