Turning 40

Lifestyle, Thoughts

Turning 40

Today happens to be the beginning of my last week in my thirties. Sounds very dramatic doesn’t it? I have to say that the lead up to turning forty feels kind of strange. I guess when you reach milestone birthdays it’s always the moment for reflection and to take stock on where you’ve been, where you’re at now and where you’re going to. Looking at it like that, I feel blessed for all of the incredible experiences I’ve had to date and most of all for my little family, which is my absolute rock. I also feel so excited for the future, for the direction of this blog and all of the possibilities and opportunities that come my way because of it. With all of that, I guess I need to stop looking at those extra lines around my eyes as something negative and not compare myself to young gorgeous twenty year olds. Those lines make up so many stories and experiences that I hadn’t yet experienced when I was twenty.

I’m on my way to Sydney today for a week away by myself. I’m actually going there to attend a meditation retreat in the Blue Mountains over the weekend that Guillaume booked me in some time ago. I really have no idea what to expect and have to say that I’m curious to how I will be able to sit still for so long and meditate, actually I’m half terrified at the thought but at the same time I’m open to what it will bring to my life and wellbeing.

I’ll also get a couple of nights with my friends and family, which is always a treat but certainly not long enough, that time when I can spend quality moments with everyone will have to wait until October.

Before I go, I want to thank you for all of your enormous support for the opening of my online Great.ly store. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of your kind words and encouragement. If you look to the right up the top of this page, you’ll see the big G. That will take you to the store so I do hope that you pop over from time to time to look at the constantly evolving range and of course I’d love it if something tickled your fancy.

I do have a post scheduled for Friday which I’m so excited to share with you, so see you then.

Mel xx

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  1. Pingback: Urban Jungle Bloggers|My Plant Shelfie | Armoire, Pegs and Casserole

  2. Yvonne

    Turning 40… It’s a thing, I have to say. The glass is half-full though: you join the ‘Fabulous at 40 club’! Turning 41 myself this year: still a little in denial. Just a little ;) Have fun with it!

  3. Doris

    Hi Mel, Wishing you a very happy 40th. I hope that you had a great time at the retreat. It sounds like the perfect way to celebrate, in reflection and revitalised for a new decade ahead. xD

  4. Amy

    How was the meditation trip? We’re desperate to know. For high-achieving, constantly-on-the-go people like us it is one of the hardest things you will ever do, but worth the effort. Hope you had an incredible time and your birthday is very special xx

  5. Angela - designhaus no.9

    Mel, wish you all the best. Turning 40 was really a strange feeling. Like crossing a border. But today I know it is a wonderful decade. A very good friend told me she had her best time in her 50’s. So, let’s enjoy these great years. Happy birthday. xx

  6. anastasia

    What a wonderful treat for your 40th!! Wishing you an enjoyable retreat, hope you are pleasantly surprised…the weather has been beautiful lately, so mild so hope it continues for you!!
    Happy birthday lovely lady!

  7. tina @ colourliving

    Oh, the message of your dad made me weep:-)

    Well, lovely, turning 40 was really the beginning of so many wonderful things for me. I remember telling my therapist in my 30’s that a woman really comes into her power at 40 and it is just like that. Something changed right from the moment I was 40.

    I must say this has been the most wonderful decade for me and as I’m approaching 50 in less than 3 months, I know that it can only get better. The last few years, in particular, have been so enriching.

    It’s a beautiful way you are starting this new decade. Meditating, reflecting, spending time with loved ones. Enjoy every moment.
    Hugs from London xx

  8. Emma harris

    I turned 40 a few months ago, it’s strange, but it didn’t bother me like I thought it would, and I have noticed that little lines around the eyes are very fashionable these days :) I keep spotting them on celebrities of a similar age!

    Enjoy your retreat, it sounds idyllic.

    Emma x

  9. Papi

    You have always been full of wonderful surprises, right from the moment you were born, 10 minutes after I got your Mum to the hospital after having forded flooded creeks and bypassed lines of traffic jammed cars. May there be many more to come.



  10. Genie

    You my dear, are an inspiration. Wishing you a happy birthday week. I’m 30 and last year on that milestone, I did reflect on what it mean to be moving out of my twenties. Last night, I jokingly asked my husband if we were going to be somebody and he seriously said no. It’s too late for us now. I’d like to prove him wrong.

    I love your store and I love your taste. I often feel that life is about curating. Surrounding yourself with things that make you happy, removing the things that do not.

  11. Jocelyn Casey

    I will be thinking of you! have a wonderful time….just you….bliss. Big hug, jocelyn xx
    oh and p.s. my email to you seems to be bouncing back, I hope there is a chance you received it but it can wait! Go meditate!

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